PIEX Group - Logo Couleur
CSR Charter Nicolas 29 March 2024

To carry out its activities and fulfill its raison d’être, Piex is committed to deploying its CSR commitments, built around 4 axes that will structure and enhance its actions.

1. Meeting the needs of African populations and ensuring the highest possible quality of service

Thanks to our global vision of the drug, personal care and hygiene product circuit, we are putting all our energy into improving access to quality products and combating the proliferation of counterfeit medicines.

Backed by our experience and our robust, efficient quality system, we develop, register, distribute and promote essential health products for our target populations.

=> 1500 references

=> Coverage of a wide range of therapeutic classes

=> 70 selected international suppliers

=> 35 countries served in English-speaking and French-speaking Africa and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

=> Certified Authorized Economic Operator (AEO)

2. Respecting ethical principles throughout the value chain

We conduct our business in compliance with international laws and regulations. All our interactions with partners, customers and employees are conducted in compliance with ethical rules.

We implement an Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct and regularly train all our staff in ethical business practices.

We support the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative (PSCI) and work with our suppliers to promote the principles of our CSR Charter.

Equally concerned about our positive footprint in France and internationally, we encourage donations to associations such as the Tulipe association, Restos du Coeur,…

100% of employees trained in anti-corruption

A CSR audit questionnaire sent to all our suppliers

3. Ensuring operational and environmental efficiency

We manage our warehouses in such a way as to minimize our carbon footprint and combat waste.

Among other things, we have introduced eco-responsible equipment, selective waste sorting and regular monitoring of our warehouses’ energy consumption.

We also select transporters who are committed to CSR.

We pay particular attention to the proper use of the stocks of medicines and health products we distribute. Thanks to our “First expired, first out” principle and our pharmaceutical and logistics experience, we strive to reduce the destruction of healthcare products.

=> 100% recycled packaging in our Les Ulis warehouse (2023)

=> Less than 1% of products destroyed by 2023

4. Attracting and nurturing talent

We involve our employees in our success by offering them regular professional training, a work schedule that promotes a good quality of life, workstations designed to respect their working comfort, and weekly sports classes supervised by a professional coach.

Our strength is ensured by the significant gender, ethnic and social diversity of our workforce.

These actions contribute to a low rate of absenteeism and employee loyalty.

To contribute to the training of young students and in partnership with schools and universities, we regularly offer internships.

To reinforce our local impact, we also call on the Mosaic association (ESAT, Etablissement et Services d’Aide par le Travail) for regular assignments.

44% women in the workforce

Contained absenteeism (<4%)

In conclusion

This Corporate Social Responsibility Charter reflects our company-wide commitment to responsible business conduct and to making a positive contribution to society and the environment. It complements the company’s Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct.

Our Quality Manager is responsible for the operational implementation of the CSR Charter’s commitments. We regularly monitor our CSR performance, in particular through the indicators presented.

B. Talbotier

Bertrand Talbotier, Chairman

29 mars 2024

F. Labedan

Françoise Labedan, General Manager

March 29, 2024